Jennie Kim got the internet buzzing recently after some behind-the-scenes footage leaked online, showing her indulging in a “forbidden” vape sesh backstage. In a since-scrubbed YouTube video documenting her glam squad primp sessions, viewers have spotted the star taking a few puffs on her e-cig in between hair flips and makeup touch-ups.

While a casual vape break is usually not a problem, fans lost their minds over the no-no noshing going down in such close quarters with her glam team. Immediately, social media was flooded with think pieces dissecting the drama: Was she inconsiderately polluting their airspace with secondhand vapor? Others defended her right to relax however she pleases behind closed doors.

Later, Jennie and her imprint Odd Atelier made a quick retreat, copping to the indoor indiscretion. She made a personal apology to her beauty brigade for the hazy hassle. Odd Atelier also expressed that she “deeply regrets her mistake of vaping indoors and causing inconvenience to the staff” and promised to prevent it from happening again.

Yet no apology would be apology enough to tame the fury of a segment of her devoted fanbase. K-pop stars live their lives under a microscope; this was only the latest reminder that even the slightest slip could spark a full-on social media meltdown.

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