© Orograph/Courtesy of the artist
FKA twigs recently testified before the U.S. Senate about the promise and perils of artificial intelligence. Having noticed how other technologies utilize her music and performances without consent, she created her own “deepfake” as an experiment.
Twigs’ deepfake was completely personalized, replicating her voice and mannerisms to converse in multiple languages. She plans to debut the “AI twigs” later this year to engage with fans online while focusing on her craft in the studio.
“In the past year, I have developed my own deepfake version of myself that is not only trained in my personality, but also can use my exact tone of voice to speak many languages, I will be engaging my ‘AI twigs’ later this year to extend my reach and handle my online social media interactions, whilst I continue to focus on my art from the comfort and solace of my studio.”
Her goal, she explained, is to demonstrate technology’s potential when the original artist maintains control. Deepfakes and other emerging tools can enhance creativity and business when deployed responsibly. However, third parties currently face few limitations for exploiting another’s likeness or works without permission.
Twigs urged legislators to learn from history. When the internet first connected the world, inadequate safeguards allowed harm like nonconsensual uses of personal data. As AI integrates into daily life, policies must protect vulnerable groups and respect intellectual property rights.
“These and similar emerging technologies are highly valuable tools both artistically and commercially when under the control of the artist. What is not acceptable is when my art and my identity can simply be taken by a third party and exploited falsely for their own gain without my consent due to the absence of appropriate legislative control,”
She does not stand alone in this view. Several major newspapers recently sued tech giants for training AI on journalistic content without permission. Twigs advocated a balanced policy that fosters innovation alongside personal agency online.
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