The film adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical “Wicked” has made an unprecedented impact...
Ariana Grande
Amidst the wave of reactions following Donald Trump’s election win over Kamala Harris, Ariana...
While their music styles may vary, Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande share an undeniable...
Ariana Grande set the record straight about rumors of plastic surgery during a recent...
Ariana Grande has collaborated with K-pop giant HYBE to make available fan engagement through...
Ariana Grande has snagged another sparkling role: the new global brand ambassador for the...
Ariana Grande’s brother, Frankie, is blasting the internet trolls who are peddling a bizarre...
Ariana Grande is hitting out at trolls for picking on her changing voice, pointing...
Ariana Grande is known for her impressive vocal range, but some fans were stunned...
Ariana Grande has weighed in on the disturbing allegations featured in the recent documentary...