Exciting news came from pop star Demi Lovato recently as they announced their engagement to partner Jordan Lutes. Lovato, 31, shared the joyous update on Instagram by posting a photo of the stunning engagement ring with a heartfelt caption expressing how she can’t wait to marry the love of her life.
The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer wrote that the night was the best of her life and she feels beyond blessed to commit to spending the rest of her life with Lutes. Lovato poured out her love and thanks to the songwriter, praising how every moment together has felt like a dream come true. She eagerly looks forward to forever cherishing him as a partner.
Lutes, 32, matched Lovato’s enthusiasm on his own account, clearly over the moon about the proposal. He called himself the luckiest man alive now that Lovato said yes. The music producer conveyed immense gratitude that he’ll never have to imagine his life without his best friend by his side.
The private couple went Instagram official last summer after quietly dating for over a year. Those close to Lovato say Lutes helped heal lingering wounds from her previous high-profile engagement. As creative collaborators, he assisted in writing multiple songs on her critically acclaimed album “Holy Fvck”.
Sources note Lovato and Lutes’ strong foundation stems from genuine friendship before romance blossomed. With patience and partnership at the core, they look ahead joyfully to marriage and what the future may hold as soulmates. Fans could not be happier for the star embarking on her next chapter with a supportive love by her side.