Rihanna was feeling chatty on the red carpet at her recent Fenty Hair product launch. When asked by E! News who she thinks could nail the role of playing her in a future biopic, the pop icon didn’t hesitate with her choice: actress Taylor Russell.
But it wasn’t Russell’s acting chops alone that caught Rihanna’s eye. “She’s got, like, a nice forehead,” the singer stated matter-of-factly. What makes a good forehead for a biopic role? Only Rihanna knows for sure. But she elaborated that Russell just seems like a natural fit. “She’s, like, fly. And I feel like I want to be her, so I want her to pretend to be me. I want people to see me in that light.”
Of course, the busy actress hasn’t publicly responded just yet to landing the honor of playing music’s reigning queen. But with starring roles already under her belt in indie faves like Waves and Bones and All, Russell certainly has the chops.
In other Rihanna news, fans can rest easy – her “I’m Retired” fashion statement does not mean she’s leaving music for good. The topic of new music also came up, with Rihanna sharing she’s ready to start fresh on her long-awaited R9 album. Looks like the navy is in for plenty more anthems from their leader once she hits the studio with those “new ears” and perspective. The forehead remarks were just the icing on the cake in another memorable RiRi interview moment.