Charli XCX had to lay down the law with some overzealous fans after a concerning incident at her recent show. According to social media buzz, attendees at Charli’s high-energy Partygirl DJ set in Sao Paolo were getting out of hand with some rude chants directed at Taylor Swift: “Taylor is dead“
Charli took to Instagram stories this weekend to address the issue head-on. “I was disappointed to hear reports of toxic behavior from some people at my last show,” she wrote. Fans had apparently been screaming “Taylor is dead!” during the performance, much to Charli’s dismay.
The singer made it clear such antics would not fly. “can the people who do this please stop. online or at my shows. it is the opposite of what i want and it disturbs me that anyone would think there is room for this in this community” Charli insisted.
The chants were likely fueled by recent competition between Charli and Taylor Swift. Just days before Charli dropped her buzzy new album Brat, Taylor surprised fans with extra tracks on her album The Tortured Poets Department in the UK. Some speculated it was a strategic move to block Charli from scoring a #1 debut.
Whatever the cause, Charli isn’t here for fans dragging other artists. She concluded her message with an unambiguous warning: “I will not tolerate it.”