On Sunday evening, pop star Dua Lipa gave New York City an unexpected musical treat. Just one day after her high-profile hosting and performing gig on Saturday Night Live, Lipa took her talents to the streets of Times Square. Standing before a massive outdoor audience, she launched into songs from her recently released album “Radical Optimism” despite the pouring rain.
Donning a long black leather jacket, Lipa commanded the stage with her signature charisma and vocal power. Backed by her live band, she kicked things off with two songs that got the energetic crowd moving. Between tunes, a grateful Lipa showered the weather-defying fans with praise, noting one person’s dedication with a joking remark.
Hersetlist continued spotlighting the uplifting themes at the core of her new record. This included the album’s closing track “Happy for You” and current single “Illusion.” The impromptu show allowed Lipa to directly connect with her adopted hometown through the meaningful messages in her music.
Her street performance beneath the bright lights of Times Square fittingly wrapped a landmark week. Lipa had leveraged her SNL hosting slot to promote “Radical Optimism” to millions.
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