Forming out of their time on the X Factor back in 2012, Fifth Harmony originally consisted of Ally Brooke, Camila Cabello, Normani, Dinah Jane, and Lauren Jauregui. In a recent interview, Brooke sparked speculation among fans when she teased that they “may be working on something together” in the future.

When asked directly if this hinted at a full band reunion, Brooke cryptically smiled and implied it could happen “sooner than we’d think” Understandably, many Fifth Harmony supporters held their breath with excitement at the prospect. It’s been half a decade since the group went on indefinite hiatus, leaving devoted listeners pining for new music and performances. However, Brooke later clarified her comments did not confirm an official reunion was in progress.

Through a social media post, she explained that “reunion” can signify different things and that currently no full band comeback was planned. Instead, Brooke hinted at something equally meaningful – strengthening the relationships and bonds between the past bandmates through a healing, empowering process.

While a full-fledged Fifth Harmony reunion may not be imminent, fans can take comfort knowing the deep care and respect that these talented women endures. Brooke’s remarks suggest a reunion of companionship, optimism, and recovery rather than one tied strictly to their musical careers.

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